Genesis 2: From Her Rib She Made a Man, 2019

Genesis 2: From Her Rib She Made a Man, 2019


Giclée print
16” x 16”
Edition of 18
White Gallery Frame

This piece is the first of the visual midrashim Yael has created. Genesis 2 in both Hebrew and English is in the center. The chapter described the creation of the man from the Khovah’s side. In Toratah, Khovah (aka Eve) is the first creature Elohin created.

And Tehovah Elohin dropped a sleep upon the khova, and she slept; and She took one of her sides, and closed flesh beneath it. And Tehovah Elohin built from the side she had taken from the khova, a man, and brought him to the khova. And the khova said, “This who pulses is bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh; this will be called man, because from a woman he was taken. - Toratah, Genesis 2: 21-23

Lorem Ipsum is a type of placeholder text that is commonly used in the printing and typesetting industry. It is used to fill space in a document or layout when the actual content is not available or is not yet finalized. Lorem Ipsum is typically a scrambled and altered section derived from 1.10.32 and 1.10.33 of "de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum" (The Extremes of Good and Evil) by Cicero, written in Latin in 45 BC. The text has been used since the 1500s and has become a standard placeholder in the graphic design and publishing fields. In this piece, Lorem Ipsum holds the space for the future commentaries on Toratah.

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